
(+598) 2419 1179 – Luis Piera 1921, Of. 10 – C.P. 11 200 – Montevideo, Uruguay |


Dendi, a Customs Broker since 1993, aims to provide its clients with customs processing services at all customs offices in the country, international trade consulting, and comprehensive logistics services.

We aim to ensure the quality of the services we provide and the security of the supply chain, committing to:

  • Seek to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Develop our work in a reliable and responsible manner, complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, both national and international, that pertain to our activity.
  • Oppose any illicit activity that we detect and that may affect any of the actors in the supply chain we are part of, and avoid becoming an unwitting instrument in the handling of goods related to drug trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, counterfeit products, etc.
  • Promote and maintain an Integrated Management System as a competent tool to plan, control, and continuously improve our activities, adapting them to the constant changes we face.
  • Encourage the development and training of our staff.

Gustavo Dendi